Gula Merah
It is mainly in the Southwest of Belitung in Desa Membalong, which is the production of palm sugar: Gula Merah.
To harvest the sugar, it is necessary to collect the sweet sap from the tree by cutting a branch bearing flowers.
You can access this branch to 12 meters high with a bamboo ladder, as it deteriorates very quickly, it must be replaced every six months.

Sap was collected in a bamboo in which is placed a piece of bark to prevent fermentation.

Back in the village, the sap is filtered before being heated to the reduction of sugar. This sap is an extremely sweet liquid, high trace element content, with a slight coconut taste. This drink is really delicious, taste absolutely …
Apres réduction, on obtient une solide mélasse que l’on fait refroidir dans des anneaux en bambou.
After reduction, strong molasses that is cooled in bamboo rings is obtained.