Discovering the Bukit Peramun Forest
The history of the Arsel community commands respect and admiration. Not so long ago, the village of Air Selumar was forced by force of arms to transform its forest into palm oil plantations. Revolted, a handful of friends founded the community of ARSEL, in order to preserve the last primary forest of the commune. Their work has been rewarded and 115 hectares of primary forest now have the status of protected forest. The guard was given to the community.

We invite you to a walk in the forest with community guides to discover these ecological riches, these beautiful trees, these caves with thousands of bats, and much more. The forest contains species such as pelandok (kancil, one of the smallest antelopes in the world), kijang and rusa (cervidae from the smallest to the largest), pangolin, kalaos (bird with big beak), kelaras (mustelid, lingsang-like, big-cat-like, tiger-skinned) and even the smallest squirrel in the world, as big as an inch.

In the company of Pak Nurdin (photo at the top right), you will learn to recognize the names of trees, and all the plants used in its pharmacopoeia.